Technologies for Cleaner Water

…so engineers and operators never have to worry about their treatment limits again.

Nexom named “the most significant player in the lagoon space”

…in January 2025 Global Water Intelligence report on North America’s lagoon industry.

Here to assist you with BABA compliance for IIJA/BIL funding.

“Build America-Buy America” requirements have arrived for federally-funded projects in the United States, and we can help you comply.

“Established Key Player”

GWI recognizes MITA Pile Cloth Filter’s role in filtration market

Whether your lagoons are small, old, overloaded, or cold…

We’ve helped all kinds of lagoons meet their treatment regulations while keeping them reliable, energy efficient, and easy to operate.

Let us do the work

With SiteWorks, you have an elite team of wastewater treatment professionals ready to handle your next install, upgrade, maintenance or repair.

Axius Water Acquires Aero-Mod

Need to comply with BABA to receive U.S. IIJA/BIL funding? We can help…

The wastewater industry has seen how nutrients have exposed the limits of existing solutions.

Nexom design-supports and supplies the next wave of proven technologies for cleaner water so engineers and operators never have to worry about their treatment plant’s limits again.

That means we support:

  • engineers from the first design,
  • contractors with the easiest installation processes,
  • plant operators with the widest range of aftermarket parts, and
  • municipal and industrial dischargers with the ability to offload their specialized care and maintenance to us

…all so treatment plants can rest easy, knowing their effluent nutrient levels will be in compliance

Nexom’s Family

Nexom is a proud member of the Axius Water family, a growing group of companies addressing nutrients in wastewater!

It’s easy to upgrade wastewater treatment with us:

Submit your RFP

...or simply reach out to our friendly staff and have them walk you through the details we need. Yes, you can get started today!


You receive design support and final design-ready drawings, with the support of our expert engineers who work with you to identify the solution to your wastewater treatment requirements.

We Supply Our Exclusive Technologies

Our exclusive technologies will set your project apart and are delivered to site on time to keep contractors on schedule and accountants happy. Our qualified staff commissions our installations, assuring clients that our technologies work to specification and equipping operators with the knowledge they need from day one.

Never Worry About Nutrient Limits Again

We continue to stand behind the installation, long after the shovels and hardhats have left the site. Our support teams ensure our technologies exceed expectations, and they equip operators with the knowledge they need to keep it that way. Throughout the long life of the technology, our friendly staff is ready to supply any needed service or parts. After all, we are committed to our mission, that no engineer or operator should ever have to worry about nutrient limits again.

Need to comply with BABA to receive U.S. IIJA/BIL funding? We can help!

Never worry about your reuse or phosphorus requirements again.

MITA is the pile cloth filter you trust, pre-configured with a smaller footprint.
Discover Nexom's MITA pile cloth filter

Nexom is the exclusive builder and distributor of MITA cloth disk filters in North America.

With over 1000 installations worldwide, MITA is one of the most-trusted cloth disk filters around the globe. Pre-configured at the factory so its easier to install onsite and built with optimized capacity and smaller footprint in mind, MITA is the simple CA Title 22-approved choice for reuse applications, or phosphorus removal applications down to <0.1 mg/L.

Say goodbye to BOD, ammonia, or nitrates.


Combining the proven BioPorts moving bed biofilm reactor with Nexom’s unmatched nitrification expertise and patented processes means facilities with footprint restrictions can beat their ammonia (or BOD or nitrate) limits too

Find Out if Bioports is Right for your Installation

MBBR and IFAS technology promises major nitrification, minor footprint.

Whether you’re building a greenfield treatment plant or retrofitting a facility, this is great news. BioPorts has proven itself in a wide range of applications, from standalone MBBR systems to converting activated sludge plants into IFAS facilities to lagoon-based systems requiring ammonia reduction.

Nexom’s acquisition of the BioPorts MBBR puts its established strengths in the hands of the company that knows BOD and removal and nitrification—especially nitrification in the most extreme conditions—better than anyone.


Lagoons love winter when they've got a SAGR.
Find Out Why

The Nexom SAGR® is designed to follow wastewater treatment lagoons or other secondary treatment processes to provide full nitrification in cold water temperatures. The SAGR reliably achieves effluent Total Ammonia-Nitrogen levels below <1 mg/L in water that’s <1°C/34°F

Beat phosphorus limits as low as 0.02 mg/L

For every regulator's action imposing ultra-low phosphorus limits, Blue PRO is the equal and appropriate reaction.
Blue Pro Reactive Filtration

You didn’t choose your limits, but you can choose to beat them. When ultra-low levels of phosphorus or metals can do a lot of damage, wastewater treatment plants can become targets of regulatory pressure to meet low levels of phosphorus and metals limits. Beat those limits with Blue PRO.