
Maximize your lagoons, not your O&M.

turn your lagoons into an efficient, modern wastewater treatment plant.

You’ve trusted your lagoons for a long time. We’re here to say, that doesn’t need to change.

Are new regulations asking your lagoons to meet tighter ammonia, phosphorus, or nitrogen limits? Have you outgrown your old ponds? At Nexom, we’ve proven to hundreds of towns and industrial sites that their lagoons can:

  • handle more flow within the same footprint
  • achieve better effluent quality year round, and
  • experience minimal change (if any) to the operational complexity

…all without constructing a new, expensive, and complicated mechanical treatment plant.

We’ve upgraded thousands of lagoons over 40+ years and all that knowledge goes into every one of our technologies. Our lagoon experts are happy to help you diagnose your requirements and design a solution to fit your specific needs. Get your project moving forward today!



SAGR® Cold Water Post-Lagoon Nitrification

optAER® Fine-Bubble Aeration and Lagoon Upgrades

BioPorts™ Post-Lagoon Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)


IDEAL™ Intermittently-Decanted Extended Aeration Lagoon


SiteWorks Install & Service

Installation & Maintenance

Here to make your life easier and your lagoon work better.

Trust your lagoon to our SiteWorks professionals.

SiteWorks is the team that considers once-in-a-lifetime maintenance or upgrades “routine.”

Across North America, SiteWorks has developed a reputation for being the best lagoon service squad in the business; after all, nobody has been optimizing lagoons for 40+ years like Nexom.

SiteWorks services for pond-based treatment plants include:

Installation of all optAER fine-bubble aeration and lagoon upgrades, SAGR, and IDEAL systems
Aeration membrane cleaning and replacement
Ice melting
Header cleaning and replacement
Back pressure testing
SAGR step-feed operation
Blower oil changes and maintenance

Our SiteWorks teams work across North America on some of the hardest wastewater problems around, but our first love has always been helping municipal and industrial lagoons install and maintain their lagoons, and we offer a comprehensive array of replacement parts fast through Aftermarket Parts.

Contact SiteWorks Today

to find out how you can get the industry’s best to help your site perform at its best.

Can you meet your limits when your lagoons are below 1ºC / 34ºF?

Treatment in Cold Climates


Lagoons harness the power of nature to treat wastewater using bacteria that breaks down harmful content like BOD, TSS, ammonia, nitrates, and coliforms.

But like most living things, that bacteria slows down significantly when it gets cold, even if the flow of wastewater doesn’t. This is why lagoons across the northern half of the U.S. and Canada—most of whom ace their regulatory testing in the summer—end up with large storage cells to prevent discharging over the winter, or risk discharging partially treated effluent exceeding their permit requirements.

If your lagoon has a cold problem, Nexom can help. Headquartered in the middle of the continent in Winnipeg, Manitoba (the coldest city of its size in North America) our team knows how cold a lagoon can get—and it doesn’t even need to be that cold to be impaired. Lagoon water temperatures falling below 7ºC / 45ºF significantly inhibit biological activity and treatment.

Meet 1mg/L Ammonia in water that's below 1ºC/ 34ºF

SAGR cold water nitrification can help your frozen lagoon meet strict ammonia and toxicity limits.

Maximize your lagoon, not your O&M.

With optAER fine-bubble aeration and lagoon upgrades, you can turn your lagoon into a high-performance (yet easy-to-operate) treatment plant.

Why does cold affect lagoons so severely?

Ice-covered lagoons lose access to oxygen:

The solid ice covering eliminates the ability for the oxygen that bacteria need to survive to dissolve into the water.


Bacteria aren’t hungry for food or to reproduce:

With apologies to Microbiology majors, imagine contaminants like BOD and ammonia are “food” for individual types of bacteria. But as those bacteria slow down in the cold, they stop being as hungry. Now, normally the resulting leftover food would mean more bacteria would grow to consume it, but in a cruel twist of natural science, the cold also means the bacteria doesn’t want to reproduce either.


Some bacteria are tougher than others:

Certain bacteria are responsible for removing different contaminants. The bacteria that remove BOD are known as heterotrophs, and they are much tougher than the bacteria that remove ammonia—in fact, they can be biological bullies. When the heterotrophs slow down in the cold, there’s more BOD available, and since they’re tougher than the ammonia-removing bacteria (nitrifiers), they kick out the nitrifiers and fill all the available space. Long story short? A lagoon that harmoniously removed both BOD and ammonia in summer now does nothing against ammonia, and still probably doesn’t do a great job of removing BOD if we’re honest.


Surfaces to grow on:

When a lagoon gets cold, real estate (in the form of surfaces to grow on. It’s not the only thing bacteria needs to grow—food, oxygen and warmth are probably more critical in that regard. But bacteria that aren’t retained on a surface in a lagoon wash out quickly, and in the cold, the bacteria that remains is not quick to reproduce to replace the ones that wash away.

Nexom helps many of the northern States’ and Canada’s coldest lagoons stay compliant all winter long.

Removing BOD and TSS in lagoons

Optimizing your lagoons' loading capacity.

Your BOD and TSS are key indicators your lagoon may be overloaded.

…but proper aeration can help.

Before discussing how to resolve overloading, some background:

  • BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) is how we measure the components of wastewater that break down biologically. Because the bacteria that break down these contaminants—like most living things—need oxygen to thrive, removing BOD in a lagoon is typically limited by the availability of dissolved oxygen (D.O.) in the surrounding water.
  • TSS (Total Suspended Solids) in the wastewater may be related to BOD or entirely inorganic in nature. Typically, in a lagoon, the point is to settle the TSS out of the water to the bottom of the pond and, over time, allow the biomass there to digest the organic components.

Aerating a lagoon with optAER fine-bubble aeration is the best first step to addressing an issue of overloading.

Proper aeration can help with both BOD and TSS because:

  • Fine bubbles of <2mm in diameter rise more slowly and create a huge amount of surface area between the air and water, allowing oxygen to dissolve at all levels of the lagoon’s water column. This enables the BOD-consuming bacteria to thrive throughout the entire depth of the lagoon, contrasted with an unaerated pond, where the only source of oxygen is the water surface.
  • The upward push of bubbles from the fine-bubble aeration in the pond creates a subtle downward flow throughout the rest of lagoon, which encourages TSS settling.
  • The elevated levels of D.O. throughout the whole lagoon, but particularly at the bottom of the pond, encourages better digestion of settled solids, resulting in less sludge buildup and more capacity.
Optimize your lagoon with optAER.

When BOD and suspended solids are the challenge, you can trust the company that has upgraded more lagoons than any other.

Reduce BOD simply and in a small footprint using a post-lagoon BioPorts™ MBBR.

BioPorts uses our proprietary HDPE media and a high-efficiency aerated environment to create an easy-to-run BOD-consuming powerhouse.

If your BOD and TSS levels rise out of compliance in the winter months, it’s likely the biology in your lagoon is not thriving in the chill of winter. Learn more about Cold Weather Treatment.

If your loading levels are exceeding your aerated lagoons’ design, you’ve come to the right place. Don’t feel pressured to replace them with an expensive, hard-to-operate system; after all, your lagoons are likely still getting you most of the way to compliance, and best of all are likely paid off decades ago. Instead, contact our lagoon experts about how simple lagoon upgrades can allow your ponds to function as a world-class treatment plant.

Park View, Iowa

Project Background & Challenges Located 120 miles due west of Chicago very near the Iowa/Illinois border is Park View, Iowa. The Park View Water...

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Absarokee, MT

Project Background & Challenges In 2016, the CDP of Absarokee in Stillwater County, MT began looking for solutions to upgrade their existing...

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Ammonia removal (nitrification) in lagoons

Keeping your lagoon toxicity-compliant.

Ammonia is the most common source of lagoon toxicity.

Removing it can be a challenge, particularly as a lagoon’s loading rises or its temperature falls.

The process of removing ammonia—also called nitrification—is performed by bacteria already found in wastewater. Removing all your ammonia is typically a matter of making your lagoon a welcoming home for that bacteria.

Nitrifying bacteria typically thrives when they have these four things:

  1. Access to oxygen
  2. Warm water (preferably warmer than 10ºC, or 50ºF)
  3. Surfaces to grow on that will help keep them in the lagoon
  4. Minimal competition from BOD-consuming bacteria (in other words, BOD is preferably <25 mg/L)

Fortunately, many lagoons do a pretty good job of all four, particularly when BOD levels are low. But if you’re left wondering every month whether you’ll meet your ammonia limits, chances are your lagoon could benefit from a tune-up or upgrade.

An easy and common way to address more than one of these problems is aeration. In an optAER fine-bubble aeration system, bubbles of <2mm in diameter are generated near the bottom of the pond; their size means they both rise more slowly than larger bubbles and also creates a lot of surface area through which oxygen can dissolve into the surrounding water. This increases the levels of dissolved oxygen (D.O.) at all levels of the lagoon, as compared to an unaerated pond where the only source of oxygen is the water surface.

Proper aeration can help with ammonia removal by:

  • Providing the dissolved oxygen the ammonia-consuming bacteria needs to thrive throughout the entire depth of the lagoon.
  • Encouraging the more efficient removal of BOD in the pond, reducing competition for D.O. and available surfaces to grow on.
Optimize your lagoon with optAER.

When BOD and suspended solids are the challenge, you can trust the company that has upgraded more lagoons than any other.

Reduce ammonia simply and in a small footprint using a post-lagoon BioPorts™ MBBR.

BioPorts uses our proprietary HDPE media and a high-efficiency aerated environment to create an easy-to-run ammonia-consuming powerhouse.

If your loading levels are exceeding your aerated lagoons’ design, you’ve come to the right place. Don’t feel pressured to replace them with an expensive, hard-to-operate system; after all, your lagoons are likely still getting you most of the way to compliance, and best of all are likely paid off decades ago. Instead, contact our lagoon process designers about how simple lagoon upgrades can allow your ponds to function as a world-class treatment plant.

If your ammonia levels rise out of compliance in the winter months, it’s likely the biology in your lagoon is not thriving in the chill of winter. (See nitrification need #2, above.) For these cases, Nexom pioneered the SAGR® post-lagoon cold water nitrification system, which addresses all four ammonia-removal needs to ensure your lagoon stays compliant and non-toxic all winter long.

Pala Casino, CA

Given the casino’s need to meet CA Title 22 reuse quality standards, the MITA® Pile Cloth Disk Filter was identified as a great solution because it can cost-effectively achieve lower TSS and turbidity than most other options on the market.

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Shellbrook, SK

Shellbrook’s objective was to treat its wastewater to the standards set by the CCME (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment), which Saskatchewan Environment was in the process of adopting.

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Phosphorus Removal in lagoons

Achieve tomorrow's phosphorus limits without abandoning your lagoons.


Removing phosphorus from lagoons has not always been easy.

Understand the natural cycle that made it so difficult, and the simple way your lagoons can respond.

Phosphorus is a nutrient in wastewater which contributes to downstream algae growth, choking the life out of lakes and streams, even parts of oceans. Removing it hasn’t historically been a strength of lagoon-based treatment. (Spoiler alert: it is now.)

After all, while other contaminants like ammonia or nitrates can be converted into the same nitrogen gas which makes up most of the air around us, phosphorus doesn’t turn into a gas. Instead, it gets caught up in the phosphorus cycle.

Removing phosphorus is easier than ever, and as simple as reaching out to your nearby Nexom representative.

The most common way to remove phosphorus from the water cycle is to bind it to a dosed metal salt like alum or ferric. This allows the resulting phosphates to bind together into flocs and either settle or be filtered out.

This is the idea behind our MITA® Cloth Disk Filter based Phosphorus Removal System, in which our engineers create an efficient dosing and flocculation system that can be filtered, and our simple-to-run cloth disk filter removes the flocs with ease.

For lagoons with ultra-low Phosphorus limits of 0.1 mg/L and below, there is one solution that is unmatched in its efficiency and ease of operation.

At those ultra-low Phosphorus levels, it becomes impractical to have the phosphates bind into flocs; there just aren’t enough phosphates! Blue PRO® reactive filtration avoids that problem by putting a coating of the metal salt (often Ferric) on the sand you’ll find in a common, easy-to-use Centra-flo® continuous-backwash upflow sand filter. By forcing the phosphorus-laden water through the Ferric-coated sand, the phosphorus binds directly on the sand and stays trapped there until it is scoured away by the filter’s built-in ongoing backwash cycle. No floc-forming necessary!

Achieve Phosphorus levels as low as 0.1 mg/L.

The MITA® Cloth Disk Filter-based Phosphorus removal system is a cost-effective, easy-to-use and reliable way to ensure you never worry about your lagoon’s phosphorus limits again.

Achieve ultra-low phosphorus levels, even after a lagoon

Join Waterford, Ontario, in achieving phosphorus levels measured in micrograms-per-liter levels, even in lagoon effluent, using Blue PRO reactive filtration.

Bloomer, WI

Like many municipalities across North America facing environmental concerns over phosphorus—Bloomer was given a new Total Phosphorus (TP) limit that its existing wastewater treatment was unable to achieve.

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Burrillville, RI: Blue PRO

Northeastern municipal wastewater treatment plant upgraded with Blue PRO reactive filtration for ultra-low phosphorus and metals removal.

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Total Nitrogen/Nitrate Removal (Denitrification) in Lagoons

It is possible to meeting advanced nitrate and total nitrogen limits without abandoning your existing lagoon infrastructure.

Nitrogen in wastewater can have some serious consequences.

But achieving lagoon-based denitrification is more realistic than ever.

Lagoons, particularly those in warm climates and appropriately sized for their loading, have historically been effective at removing ammonia from wastewater through a process called nitrification, in which bacteria in wastewater converts ammonia to nitrates.

But while not directly toxic to fish like ammonia, the danger of nitrates in wastewater treatment effluent is real. That’s why converting nitrates to nitrogen gas (and thereby eliminating this portion of Total Nitrogen from the wastewater completely) has become a focus for many regulators.

Fortunately, Nexom’s lagoon experts can help your lagoons become a nitrate and Total Nitrogen-removing plant as well.

This process, known as denitrification, involves many of the same types of bacteria that remove BOD, but instead of bacteria utilizing dissolved oxygen in the water, maintaining a low DO, or anoxic environment causes the bacteria to utilize the oxidizing power of the nitrates, converting that NOₓ (nitrites and nitrates) into N₂ (nitrogen gas).

There are a number of ways to accomplish this, and your local Nexom representative can get you on the path to identifying which one will best serve you.

Get to low nitrate levels using the BioPorts MBBR.

With mechanical mixing and its patented Screen Scour™ cleaning system, the anoxic BioPorts MBBR is ready to rid you of your TN worries by creating the ideal denitrifying environment.

Remove both nutrients in the same tank

The same continuous-backwash upflow sand filter that makes Blue PRO phosphorus removal possible can also be optimized for biological denitrification; you could even remove both nutrients in the same tank!

A primer on Denitrification

For those new to nutrient removal, “denitrification” may sound like the opposite of nitrification (the removal of ammonia), but the whole equation is better understood as such:

In wastewater, Total Nitrogen (TN) can be divided into three major groups.

  1. ammonia (NH₃),
  2. nitrites-nitrates (NOₓ), and
  3. a smattering of organic and reduced nitrogen forms which are usually relatively small in quantity and nonetheless difficult to remove.

Nitrification is when ammonia is “removed” by being converted to nitrites and nitrates (NOₓ).

Denitrification, then, is the process where nitrates (NOₓ) in wastewater are converted to nitrogen gas (N₂), which then disappears into the atmosphere.

Algae and Waterfowl Prevention

Waterfowl and even algae may look okay on your lagoon, but non-compliance doesn't.


Wastewater lagoons help protect wildlife, but that doesn’t mean they should become wildlife sanctuaries.

While the sun can help your lagoon system reduce coliforms in the effluent, it can also contribute to algae growth, pushing your lagoon out of compliance on TSS limits.

Likewise, a small amount of ducks or geese on your pond is nothing to worry about. But for lagoons in major migratory paths or nesting grounds, an influx of waterfowl can bring a host of issues, including additional BOD and TSS loading or even toxic coliforms near your outflow pipe where your regulator is grabbing his samples.

Keep waterfowl and algae at bay with simple non-invasive solutions like a shade ball cover, part of the optAER system of lagoon upgrades. Cost-effective, flexible, and virtually maintenance-free, optAER shade ball covers:

  • make your pond less attractive to waterfowl;
  • reduce sunlight penetrating the wastewater, in turn reducing algae, and lowering TSS levels in the effluent
  • easily withstand being frozen into your pond, if that’s what your winter looks like.
Upgrade your lagoon with an optAER HDPE ball cover.

Keep pesky waterfowl at bay and even prevent algae overgrowth using the flexible, simple (even ice-ready) optAER HDPE ball cover.

Odor Control

Odors are a sign of a sub-optimal lagoon.


We’ve all heard the jokes about wastewater treatment plants. But having to hold your nose around your lagoon is likely a sign that it isn’t operating at its best.

Some lagoons smell because of overloading and/or severe cases of sludge buildup. This is a serious condition which should be rectified through the desludging and also increasing the lagoon’s BOD removal capacity.

Apart from this, most lagoons—even unaerated ponds–don’t typically emit many odors, because odor-producing contaminants settle to the bottom of the pond and are separated from the air by a thick layer of water which, especially at the top of the pond where oxygen-rich water can produce the biomass needed, is pretty good at eliminating those contaminants anyway.

What is spring turnover (and why does it cause odor issues)?

In cold climates where lagoons freeze in winter, odor problems can crop up once a year during a phenomenon called spring turnover. (Spoiler alert: there is a solution.)

  • It makes sense that the most dense liquid will always sink to the bottom, and water is most dense at 4ºC or 39ºF.
  • During winter, the cool water at the bottom of the lagoon is warmer then the water just under the ice at the top of the pond.
  • But in spring, as the ice melts and top layer warms, you reach a point where the water at the bottom and the water at the top are the same temperature. They have the same density, and so wind effects typically cause the water to begin to roll, or turn over. This stirs up the usually-settled contaminants in the lagoon, allowing them to come to the surface, ready to share their odors with your nose.

Adding aeration—specifically optAER fine-bubble aeration—to your lagoon solves spring turnover by enabling more effective digestion of those settled contaminants year-round—even under ice-cover—and by ensuring the water column is always mixed. In a well-aerated lagoon, there is:

  • less sludge buildup,
  • no hold-your-nose strata of the lagoon to bring up, since oxygen is dissolved throughout more evenly, and
  • the subtle yet continuous upward force of the aeration introduces a downward force everywhere else, ensuring more effective settling of TSS and ensuring the spring breeze won’t bring it back up anytime soon.
Eliminate odors and optimize your lagoon with optAER.

Don’t hold your nose—not in spring, not ever—thanks to the effective fine-bubble lagoon aeration of optAER.

Desludging and Sludge Management

Do you need to desludge? Perhaps yes, but perhaps no...

Sludge buildup is a reality for every lagoon.

Avoiding messy, expensive desludging can help offset the cost of the good aeration system that renders it less necessary.

The sludge at the bottom of a lagoon contains both organic and inorganic solids. The inorganic component is the part that’s unavoidable; it’s ever-present in wastewater, even if in relatively small quantities, and not going to break down in our lifetimes.

The organic component, however, is frequently the bulk of the sludge, particularly in facultative or ineffectively aerated lagoon, and having to desludge on account of it… now that’s a bitter pill to swallow.

Effective aeration—namely optAER fine-bubble aeration—can reduce the need for desludging by effectively digesting the organic solids. It does so by:

  • adding the dissolved oxygen that sludge-eating bacteria needs at all levels of the lagoon, particularly at the bottom near the sludge;
  • mixing the lagoon so the sludge is more evenly distributed throughout the depth of the lagoon, allowing it to be digested before it gets buried.

Rewind the clock on your desludging: Decades of experience have shown that adding aeration to ponds can not only reduce the buildup of future sludge, but actively reduces the sludge in the bottom of the pond!

Optimize the sludge-digesting capacity of your lagoon with optAER.

Our lagoon engineers can help you desludge less often and help your lagoon perform better and more predictably in the process.

Let us do the dirty work.

Trust your treatment plant to the pros at SiteWorks. They have the experience and skills that only come from doing once-in-a-lifetime maintenance and installation projects every day.

Laboratory services & in-house testing

Our engineers are ready to help.

Your lagoon may well be the last line of defense…

…between harmful contaminants and the surrounding environment, non-compliance fines or Public Relations issues.

You need your wastewater treatment plant to work. You can’t afford for it to be treated like an experiment, or have a technology supplier that just guesses at what you need.

With our laboratory services and in-house testing facilities at both our Winnipeg and Columbia locations, our team of engineers and Ph.Ds can help you get the assurance you need that your reaction kinetics are dialed in, your aeration performance metrics are precise, and much more. And you can access these services before, during, and well after you commit to our technologies.

Tried and tested technologies.

Contact your nearby Nexom lagoon rep and find out how our laboratory services and in-house testing can help ensure your upgrade’s success.

No two lagoons are exactly alike.

And we don't treat our lagoon-focused customers like they are, either.


After 40+ years studying and upgrading lagoons, we still haven’t seen everything…

…but we’ve come as close as anyone has yet.

We’d love to offer you a glimpse at how we customize our approach to you and your kind of lagoon. Find the group that most closely matches you, or reach out so we can help you move your project forward today!

Never worry about your clients' lagoons again.

Consultants and engineers with lagoon projects


Equip your clients with a reliable, low O&M-complexity solution that’s more cost-effective than they expected.

For small- and medium-sized clients (either municipal or industrial in nature), a lagoon-based wastewater treatment plant might be the most reliable, efficient, easy-to-run treatment option.

Nexom’s engineers have upgraded lagoon-based treatment systems and built greenfield systems for decades. They understand what consulting engineers need to move their projects forward quickly, efficiently, and with the confidence that the solutions they present will deliver the results clients need.

In fact, in pioneering the integration of installation and maintenance services through SiteWorks, you and your clients can enjoy a single point of responsibility for the technology and its performance at startup and beyond.

And Nexom’s technologies deliver: proven at hundreds of lagoons, our optAER system of fine-bubble aeration and lagoon upgrades, SAGR cold-water post-lagoon nitrification, IDEAL intermittently-decanted extended aeration, and BioPorts post-lagoon MBBRs have been rigorously stress-tested at some of the North America’s challenging sites to ensure that, before our experienced process engineers propose them for your site, they know precisely how they’ll deliver.

Never worry about your lagoon’s ammonia limits again.

With SAGR, lagoons can meet <1 mg/L ammonia in water that’s <1ºC / 34ºF, with easy operations that take <15 mins/day. Make this your last winter you worry about lagoon ammonia limits.

Meet your lagoon’s phosphorus limits with MITA.

The MITA Cloth Disk Filter-based Phosphorus Removal System uses less chemical and is easier to run than the leading cloth disk filter, which makes meeting solids or phosphorus limit a snap.

Optimize your lagoons with optAER

Our fine-bubble aeration and lagoon upgrades turn simple ponds into a high-powered treatment plant, while keeping O&M simple and cost-effective.

Working with us is as easy as…

Submit your RFP

...or simply reach out to our friendly staff and have them walk you through the details we need. Yes, you can get started today!


You receive design support and final design-ready drawings, with the support of our expert engineers who work with you to identify the solution to your wastewater treatment requirements.

We Supply Our Exclusive Technologies

Our exclusive technologies will set your project apart and are delivered to site on time to keep contractors on schedule and accountants happy. Our qualified staff commissions our installations, assuring clients that our technologies work to specification and equipping operators with the knowledge they need from day one.

Never Worry About Nutrient Limits Again

We continue to stand behind the installation, long after the shovels and hardhats have left the site. Our support teams ensure our technologies exceed expectations, and they equip operators with the knowledge they need to keep it that way. Throughout the long life of the technology, our friendly staff is ready to supply any needed service or parts. After all, we are committed to our mission, that no engineer or operator should ever have to worry about nutrient limits again.

Treat your town right.

Lagoons for municipalities


Your Communities’ lagoons have served you for decades.

That doesn’t need to change.

Treat lagoons right, and they will protect you as reliably and efficiently as many more costly and complex mechanical plants. Best of all, your lagoons’ construction is probably paid off, maybe even by your grandparents’ generation.

Nexom pioneered upgrading lagoons in the 1970s, revolutionized cold water lagoon treatment in the 2000s, and over that time has helped thousands of municipalities like yours upgrade their lagoons to simply and effectively meet tomorrow’s challenges.

Our lagoon-based technologies are easy to operate and don’t take high-level operations certifications. They are green and energy-efficient, and take minutes a day to run. And if you ever need assistance, our SiteWorks™ teams are the best in the business at installing lagoon-based upgrades or simply making lagoons operate at their best.

Never worry about your lagoon’s ammonia limits again.

With SAGR, you can meet <1 mg/L ammonia in water that’s <1ºC / 34ºF, with easy operations that take <15 mins/day. Make this your last winter you worry about your ammonia limits.

Optimize your lagoons with optAER

Our fine-bubble aeration and lagoon upgrades turn your ponds into a high-powered treatment plant, while keeping O&M simple and cost-effective.

The power to protect your traditional waters.

Lagoons and First Nations

Helping First Nations achieve wastewater treatment independence and success

Across the globe, indigenous peoples have a unique and unbreakable bond with the environment.

We have been honoured to help dozens of First Nations communities across Canada meet their wastewater treatment needs using green technologies that reliably protect receiving waters, and have provided on-site training to the existing wastewater treatment team. The systems we supply are green and energy-efficient, and take minutes a day to run. And if you ever need assistance, our SiteWorks™ teams are the best in the business at installing lagoon-based upgrades or simply making lagoons operate at their best.

Optimize your lagoons with optAER.

Our fine-bubble aeration and lagoon upgrades turn your ponds into a high-powered treatment plant, while keeping O&M simple and cost-effective.

With a SAGR, you’ll never worry about toxicity again.

Even when lagoons freeze over in the coldest Canadian winter, your SAGR can meet <1 mg/L ammonia, protecting your rivers, lakes, and the fish, animals and people that depend on them.

Lagoons that work as hard as you.

Because industrial-strength problems require more than regular-strength solutions.

Grateful to be trusted by a wide range of customers.

To learn more about what we have done for various clients, populations, and industries (and what we can provide for your project), choose the category that most closely matches yours, below.

We are proud to have built a reputation for serving the following industries.

That said, even if you don't see yours listed below, contact us so our experts can meet your wastewater treatment needs.