We stand by our projects with pride and a commitment to seeing them produce quality effluent for generations.

we’ve provided our technologies to over 8,000 water and wastewater projects around the world.

From mechanical plants to lagoon-based wastewater treatment, whether in North America, South America, Europe or Asia, our projects are on the cutting edge of treatment for nutrients and energy efficiency.

The following case studies illuminate some of the more interesting, exciting, and representative work we’ve had the privilege to work on.

Quick links to case studies by technology:

SiteWorks™ Installation & Maintenance



optAER® Fine-Bubble Aeration and Lagoon Upgrades


SAGR® Cold Water Post-Lagoon Nitrification

IDEAL® Intermittently Decanted Extended Aeration Lagoon


Blue PRO® Reactive Filtration for Ultra-Low Phosphorus & Metals

Blue Nite® Sand Filter-Based Biological Denitrification

MITA® Cloth Disk Filters (and legacy Nexom Disk Filters)

SiteWorks™ Installation & Maintenance

Biological Case Studies

Maricopa, Arizona

In 2019, the Global Water – Palo Verde Water Reclamation Facility (WRF), located in northeastern Maricopa, AZ, was serving a growing population of 48,629 residents, while also seeing adjustments to their permit in their future.

Absarokee, MT

Fully utilizing a combination of Nexom’s expert technologies for BOD reduction and cold-water nitrification

Palmyra, WI

Retrofitting the existing lagoon for maintaining simple and reliable treatment to new specific limits.

Seneca Landfill, PA

Helping a longstanding landfill’s WWTP meet new ammonia effluent limits with BioPorts™ technology.

Leeds, AL: BioPorts MBBR

Municipal wastewater plant intensifies treatment, adding nitrification capacity without adding footprint.

optAER® Fine-Bubble Aeration and Lagoon Upgrades
Park View, Iowa

Sanitary district upgrades lagoons for full cold weather ammonia nitrification within existing footprint.

Absarokee, MT

Fully utilizing a combination of Nexom’s expert technologies for BOD reduction and cold-water nitrification

Kingsley, IOWA: optAER & SAGR

Project Background & Challenges Kingsley, population of 1,411 residents in 2020, is located 193 miles northwest of Iowa’s capital city, Des...

Martensville, SK: optAER

Range of lagoon aeration options, include floating and Nexom-exclusive float-sink laterals, needed to reduce land area required for updated treatment facility.

Doaktown, NB: optAER & SAGR

An environmentally conscious wastewater facility upgrade uses the optAER lagoon aeration with SAGR to achieve year-round non-toxicity compliance.

Glencoe, ON: optAER & SAGR

Upgrading for WSER compliance through post-lagoon nitrification, without abandoning existing infrastructure.


SAGR® Cold Water Post-Lagoon Nitrification
Shellbrook, SK

Shellbrook’s objective was to treat its wastewater to the standards set by the CCME (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment), which Saskatchewan Environment was in the process of adopting.

Pilot Butte, SK

Back in 2014, Pilot Butte’s population had just climbed past 2,500, and with several developments in progress, the Saskatchewan municipality needed to upgrade their two-cell facultative lagoon system to allow for more treatment capacity.

Park View, Iowa

Sanitary district upgrades lagoons for full cold weather ammonia nitrification within existing footprint.

Absarokee, MT

Fully utilizing a combination of Nexom’s expert technologies for BOD reduction and cold-water nitrification

Kingsley, IOWA: optAER & SAGR

Project Background & Challenges Kingsley, population of 1,411 residents in 2020, is located 193 miles northwest of Iowa’s capital city, Des...

IDEAL® Intermittently Decanted Extended Aeration Lagoon
Grantsville, UT: IDEAL

IDEAL extended aeration system and batch reactor process doubles treatment capacity for lagoons just south of Great Salt Lake.

Filtration Case Studies

Blue PRO® Reactive Filtration for Ultra-Low Phosphorus & Metals
Bloomer, WI

Like many municipalities across North America facing environmental concerns over phosphorus—Bloomer was given a new Total Phosphorus (TP) limit that its existing wastewater treatment was unable to achieve.

Burrillville, RI: Blue PRO

Northeastern municipal wastewater treatment plant upgraded with Blue PRO reactive filtration for ultra-low phosphorus and metals removal.

Citronelle, AL: Blue PRO

Wastewater treatment plant upgrade doesn’t just beat an ultra-low Phosphorus limit, it beats North America’s lowest municipal Phosphorus limit.

Marlborough, MA: Blue PRO

New England wastewater treatment plant upgrade designed for Phosphorus removal and affordability.

Blue Nite® Sand Filter-Based Biological Denitrification

MITA® Cloth Disk Filter (and legacy Nexom Disk Filters
Pala Casino, CA

Given the casino’s need to meet CA Title 22 reuse quality standards, the MITA® Pile Cloth Disk Filter was identified as a great solution because it can cost-effectively achieve lower TSS and turbidity than most other options on the market.