
We have your solution for separation.

Whether you’re removing nutrients and solids or focusing on reuse quality or discharge…

…our filtration process design engineers are able to meet your plant’s needs.

We use proven tools that we’ve taken to the next level to make them more energy-efficient, cost-effective, and user-friendly–some may even enable your system to do things almost no other plant can.

Our applications engineers will be glad to guide you to the tools that solves your problems. They are some of the world’s leading minds on questions of tertiary polishing, California Title 22 water reuse, combined sewer overflow (CSO) treatment, and much more. Reach out, and you could be talking to one of them in short order!

Filtration Technologies for Cleaner Water

From primary to tertiary, we have the tools you need.

We’ve got all your filtration needs covered

from A (Alum) to Z (Zinc).

Don’t know what you need? Our process design engineers are happy to help you diagnose your requirements and design a solution to fit your specific needs. Get your project moving forward today!

MITA® Pile Cloth Filter

Blue PRO® Reactive Filtration for Ultra-Low Phosphorus & Metals

Blue Nite® Sand Filter-Based Biological Denitrification

Phosphorus Removal

Efficiently achieve any—even ultra-low—phosphorus levels with easy-to-operate filters

Solving Phosphorus is both easier and more important now than ever.

If discharged to the environment, phosphorus contributes to downstream algae growth which chokes the life out of lakes, streams, and even parts of oceans.

Compounding the issue, many wastewater treatment plants—with their focus on biological treatment—have historically struggled to remove phosphorus. After all, while other contaminants like ammonia or nitrates can be converted into the same nitrogen gas which makes up about 78% of the air around us, phosphorus doesn’t turn into a gas, and instead gets caught up in the phosphorus cycle.

However, removing phosphorus is easier than ever thanks to specific technological advances, and achieving even ultra-low phosphorus levels, down to <0.02 mg/L, is as simple as reaching out to your nearby Nexom representative.

The most common ways to remove phosphorus from the water cycle is to bind it to a dosed metal salt like alum or ferric, allow the resulting phosphates to agglomerate into flocs and either settle or filter them out.

Achieve ultra-low phosphorus levels, down to 0.02 mg/L

Blue PRO reactive filtration is the efficient, user-friendly way to achieve ultra-low Phosphorus and metals levels.

Achieve Phosphorus levels as low as 0.1 mg/L.

The MITA® Cloth Disk Filter-based phosphorus removal system is a cost-effective, easy-to-use and reliable way to ensure you never worry about your phosphorus limits again.

For sites with ultra-low phosphorus limits of 0.1 mg/L and below, there is one solution that is unmatched in its efficiency and ease of operation.

As Total Phosphorus approaches those microgram-per-liter levels, it becomes impractical to have the phosphates collide with chemical and bind into flocs; there just aren’t enough phosphates (or chemicals)! Blue PRO® reactive filtration avoids that problem by putting a hydrous metal oxide coating (often Al, Fe, or Ce) on the media in an industry-tested, simple, and operator-friendly Centra-flo® sand filter. By flowing the phosphorus-laden water through the reactant-coated sand, the phosphorus binds directly on the sand and stays trapped there until it is scoured away by the filter’s built-in continuous backwash system. No floc-forming necessary!

Bloomer, WI

Like many municipalities across North America facing environmental concerns over phosphorus—Bloomer was given a new Total Phosphorus (TP) limit that its existing wastewater treatment was unable to achieve.

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Burrillville, RI: Blue PRO

Northeastern municipal wastewater treatment plant upgraded with Blue PRO reactive filtration for ultra-low phosphorus and metals removal.

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Citronelle, AL: Blue PRO

Wastewater treatment plant upgrade doesn’t just beat an ultra-low Phosphorus limit, it beats North America’s lowest municipal Phosphorus limit.

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Meet advanced Nitrate and Total Nitrogen Limits

Total Nitrogen/Nitrate Denitrification


Turning Ammonia into nitrates is only half the battle.

Total Nitrogen can have devastating consequences, but with the right tool you can make your nutrient problem disappear into thin air.

Nitrogen, like phosphorus, is one of the building blocks of life on earth, and is considered a nutrient in wastewater that can feed algae growth and has led to some pretty disastrous consequences (see, for instance, the Gulf of Mexico’s dead zone).

Wastewater treatment plants have historically been effective at removing ammonia from wastewater through a process called nitrification, in which bacteria in wastewater converts ammonia to nitrates.

But as the danger of nitrates has become better understood, converting nitrates to nitrogen gas (and thereby eliminating this portion of Total Nitrogen from the wastewater completely) has become a focus for many regulators.

Fortunately, Nexom’s biological treatment experts can help your plant become a nitrate and Total Nitrogen-removing plant as well.

This process, known as denitrification, involves many of the same types of bacteria that remove BOD, but instead of supplying dissolved oxygen to that bacteria, the denitrifying process starves the oxygen out of the water so the bacteria essentially steals it from the nitrates, turning that NOx (nitrites and nitrates) into N2 (nitrogen gas).

There are a number of ways to accomplish this, and your local Nexom representative can get you on the path to identifying which one will best serve you based on your lagoons, your Total Nitrogen limits, influent characteristics, and more.

Achieve total wastewater denutrification with Blue Nite.

The same continuous-backwash upflow sand filter that makes Blue PRO phosphorus removal possible can also be optimized for biological denitrification; you could even remove both nutrients in the same tank!

Get to low nitrate levels using the BioPorts MBBR

With mechanical mixing and its patented Screen Scour™ cleaning system, the anoxic BioPorts MBBR is ready to rid you of your TN worries by creating a denitrifying environment using the tankage you have,

Pala Casino, CA

Given the casino’s need to meet CA Title 22 reuse quality standards, the MITA® Pile Cloth Disk Filter was identified as a great solution because it can cost-effectively achieve lower TSS and turbidity than most other options on the market.

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What is denitrification

Denitrification may sound like the opposite of Nitrification (the removal of ammonia), but the whole equation is better understood as such:

  • In wastewater, Total Nitrogen (TN) can be divided into three major groups.
    • ammonia (NH3),
    • nitrites-nitrates (NOx), and
    • a smattering of organic and reduced nitrogen forms which are usually relatively small in quantity and nonetheless difficult to remove.
  • When ammonia is “removed” in wastewater (through nitrification), it is actually being converted to nitrites and nitrates (NOx).
  • Denitrification is the process where nitrates (NOx) in wastewater are converted to nitrogen gas (N2), which then disappears into the atmosphere.

Water Reuse and Title-22 Turbidity

Get California Title 22-compliant with simple-to-run filtration


Don’t lose it, reuse it.

Reusing wastewater for irrigation and aquifer-recharging addresses water shortages, particularly in arid or semi-arid regions with little access to freshwater sources.

Especially in North America, California Title 22 regulations are seen as the standard for water reuse, particularly as it relates to disinfection and turbidity.

Turbidity measures the clarity of water—which is determined by how many and what type of solids are suspended in it—using units known as NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units). California Title 22 regulates that, to be eligible for reuse, wastewater treatment plant effluent must meet a limit of 2 NTU.

Nexom has a range of approved filtration options to equip a wastewater treatment plant to achieve this high standard.

Achieve California Title 22 reuse with cloth disk filtration.

The MITA® Cloth Disk Filter is a cost-effective, easy-to-use and reliable way to ensure you never worry about your turbidity limits again.

Be reuse compliant and nutrient-ready with Centra-flo.

The only continuous-backwash upflow sand filter that meets Title 22 and is ready to meet phosphorus levels down to <0.02 mg/L, nitrates down to <1 mg/L, even ultra-low metals!

However, depending on your plant’s needs, our process design engineers may recommend the Centra-flo® continuous-backwash upflow sand filter. Centra-flo is the platform on which our Blue PRO reactive filtration or Blue Nite biological denitrification are built, setting you up to achieve ultra-low phosphorus, nitrate or metals levels now or in the future.

Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) treatment

Because nature doesn’t always care about your design flow


When a deluge hits your combined sewer system…

…you need treatment technologies that can ramp up fast and keep some of nature’s worst enemies from pouring unchecked into the environment.

Our MITA Cloth Disk Filter are ready. Because of their variable rate backwash and their ability to be built in parallel, these filters can be sized to handle huge flows and provide the TSS removal you need to keep your disinfection processes working smoothly.

They can work in several different configurations:

  • Primary only: with only a basic screen in front, the filters can handle primary influent and manage your primary treatment, knocking out solids and grit in dry conditions so your secondary plant can do its work, and in wet conditions so even your excess flow can get disinfected.
  • Bypass only: With only a basic shutdown process after a storm event, your MITA® Cloth Disk Filter can sit dry and idle without degradation, awaiting the next time it should be pressed into service.
  • Flexible treatment: If you need tertiary phosphorus or TSS polishing AND are susceptible to severe wet weather conditions, the MITA® Cloth Disk Filter can be equipped as a phosphorus-removal system for normal operations and flex into a TSS eliminating workhorse in times of excess flows.
Address your CSO worries today.

Let MITA® Cloth Disk Filter see you through tomorrow’s storms.

Lab services and in-house testing

Our engineers and biochemists are ready to help.


Active wastewater treatment plants simply can’t be treated like an experiment.

Your filter is part of the last line of defense between harmful contaminants and the surrounding environment…

…not to mention the only line of defense keeping non-compliance fines and a PR nightmare from hitting you when you least can afford them. You simply can’t have a technology supplier that guesses at what you need.

With our laboratory services and in-house testing facilities at both our Winnipeg and Columbia locations, our team of engineers and Ph.Ds can help you get the assurance you need that your reaction kinetics are dialed in, your chemistry performance metrics are precise, and much more. And you can access these services before, during, and well after you commit to our technologies.

Get tried and tested results

Contact your nearby Nexom filtration rep and find out how our laboratory services and in-house testing can help ensure your plant’s success.

Different filter customers have different needs.

Find what you need to know, based on your role in the process.

Finding the right filter for you

starts with getting you the information you need.

We’d love to offer you a glimpse at how we customize our filtration approach to you and your treatment facility. Find the group that most closely matches you, or reach out so we can help you move your project forward today!

Filtration solutions for consultants and engineers

The filters you’re looking for with the support to get the job done right, faster.


need a filter that meets your client’s permitted water quality, reliably and efficiently?

You’ve come to the right place.

Our filtration applications engineers will support you in designing our solution to best fit your need, whether you have footprint, headloss, regulatory, or other capital or operations constraints.

Need to meet tight nutrient limits?

Need tertiary filtration to also meet your nutrient regulations?

Since all of our tertiary filtration options are California Title 22-approved for wastewater reuse, you don’t have to choose how your effluent gets discharged or reused; you’ll be ready.

Working with us is as easy as…

Submit your RFP

...or simply reach out to our friendly staff and have them walk you through the details we need. Yes, you can get started today!


You receive design support and final design-ready drawings, with the support of our expert engineers who work with you to identify the solution to your wastewater treatment requirements.

We Supply Our Exclusive Technologies

Our exclusive technologies will set your project apart and are delivered to site on time to keep contractors on schedule and accountants happy. Our qualified staff commissions our installations, assuring clients that our technologies work to specification and equipping operators with the knowledge they need from day one.

Never Worry About Nutrient Limits Again

We continue to stand behind the installation, long after the shovels and hardhats have left the site. Our support teams ensure our technologies exceed expectations, and they equip operators with the knowledge they need to keep it that way. Throughout the long life of the technology, our friendly staff is ready to supply any needed service or parts. After all, we are committed to our mission, that no engineer or operator should ever have to worry about nutrient limits again.

Filtration for municipal treatment plants

Count on our filters, because your constituents are counting on your plant.


Municipal treatment plants are our nation’s primary defense against harmful contaminants.

We’re here to make that big job a little easier.

Providing your residents and local businesses with efficient, effective wastewater treatment doesn’t need to be a challenge.

No matter which solution you need, you can count on our filters to be:

  • cost-effective to keep rates low,
  • efficient to keep operating costs in check, and
  • operator-friendly to keep your public works team happy.
Waste less water through reuse, or meet low phosphorus limits

…all with the preconfigured simplicity of the MITA® Cloth Disk Filter.

Never worry about your ultra-low Phosphorus or Metals regulations again.

Blue PRO reactive filtration helps Citronelle, AL, meet the lowest municipal Phosphorus permit limit in North America, at <0.022 mg/L.

Your operators can manage a lot, but for everything else there’s SiteWorks.

Choose expert-level support for your filter install, routine maintenance and on-site repair services. Whatever your need, it’s free and easy to get a quote from our SiteWorks team.

Filtration for Industrial Clients.

Because regular-strength solutions don't work for industrial-strength wastewater.


We’re not just here to provide tools or services…

…we’re here to solve your wastewater problems.

“Industrial” is an all-too broad heading, and if you’re looking to see our solutions for your particular industry, check out the vast number of the Industries we work with.

But we are here to say that Nexom filters are:

  • more than tough enough for your high-strength treatment needs,
  • more than precise enough to ensure you never need to pay another overage fee or compliance penalty,
  • and much easier to run than tools this powerful have any right to be.

Nexom filtration solutions are in place at food processors needing to meet nitrate limits, farms needing to reduce loading to their plant, mining communities needing to reduce the metals to ultra-low levels, and many more.

  • Our MITA® Cloth Disk Filter can help you reduce your total suspended solids (TSS) and enable you to meet reuse turbidity levels, allowing your wastewater to be recycled for irrigation purposes.
  • Our upflow sand filter-based Blue PRO reactive filtration is the most efficient way to meet ultra-low µg/L phosphorus or metals levels.
  • Also based on the upflow sand filter platform, our Blue Nite biological denitrification enables you to meet nitrate levels <1 mg/L.

Grateful to be trusted by a wide range of customers.

To learn more about what we have done for various clients, populations, and industries (and what we can provide for your project), choose the category that most closely matches yours, below.

We are proud to have built a reputation for serving the following industries.

That said, even if you don't see yours listed below, contact us so our experts can meet your wastewater treatment needs.